Moussem Arabiya!
A wonderful weekend actually, starting off with volunteering at the aquarium, where we got the most amazing plankton drop. We drop a net over the side of the pier a couple times, to see what kind of plankton might be swimming there. I tell people that this is the stuff you swallow when you swallow ocean water- plus the 7 million viruses in a tablespoon of seawater that you can't see.
But never before have I found such a rich diversity in one haul! All under the projecting microscope, there were copepods and fish eggs, a flat worm and numerous shrimp, jellies and - wait for it- even an amphioxus and a miniature scallop, crawling around! The scallop was just like it's larger cousins, but transparent, and we could see it's foot moving about on the scope. Amphioxus is our closest living invertebrate relative, looking like a simple fish with a notochord (primitive backbone) and dorsal hollow nerve tube
Then it was off to the Arab festival, where I spent all weekend, minus the aquarium and Meeting Sunday morning. Subconsciously, I was expecting something along the lines of the annual Arab festival in Dearborn, Michigan, which goes for blocks and blocks. Honestly, that was a poor expectation, with Dearborn having the largest concentration of Arabs in North America. This festival was still well-represented though, with three venues. I met up with a number of friends, some new, some old, and gained a lot of valuable contacts as well.
Dancing was a significant portion of the event. Watching was fun. Participating...well, there were three workshops. I missed the debke worksh
The performed debke was much more comfortable to watch:
There were moments of disturbance. Guys with large signs about how you need to be saved by
More disturbing was a representative walking around in uniform in front of the country booths. While we are bombing their countries and killing their citizens, supporting countries that engage in apartheid against Arabs, I just think it's a bit gauche to walk around in front, sharing the good news of the US Army.
I had know idea that Lybia had a secondary flag- but then Lybia is perhaps the most mysterious of all the Arab countries.
Underneath there were the booths, where I found there is a Washington State Moroccan Association, which I of course signed up for. There were actually about three different booths for Morocco, the most heavily represented country there, which was good for my wholefully fousha-deficient Arabic. And the Moroccans had the most bling going on too, with a full salon set up to lie in.
Below, also a great mini-store, where I got some tasty zahtar, a Lebanese oregano delicacy, sometimes with meat. Evidently there's a fully stocked Arabic store in the area, but all the way up in Everett. And a couple organizations for defending the civil rights of Arab-Americans, and the rights of Arabs abroad under US rule to continue to live. And then one travel agency, Caravan-Serai, whose patron looked vaguely familiar. She looked at me for a bit, and also thought I looked familiar. It turned out that I volunteered a few times for her, Rita, five years ago! She had been trying to get an Arab museum together at the time, and still is. She has a large collection, and no permament place to house it.
But even more intriguing, she recently returned from leading a tour of Yemen and Suqutra, and is planning another such trip in January- and could easily get a very reasonable priced trip to only Suqutra for March. Something to check out, to be sure...
I didn't know about the secondary flag of Libya - interesting.
Actually, I've been thinking of studying Numbers lately.