A Godly Woman

We began an inductive study of Ruth, which I'm looking forward to. It's hard to find Bible Studies here- most are exclusive to certain types or genders. I felt God leading me towards Ruth, which was influential in my coming here, as I received this passage as confirmation. But I think it should be a great study. If not familiar with it, the inductive method is a way of getting into a text, grappling with it in detail, sharing information as a community. You come to the text tabula rasa, not relying on other commentaries, to get at what the author originally said, to the original audience. We don't use a Bible, but rather a copied text from a Bible, sans verses and chapters and headings, again, to get at the original text. I've rarely done an Old Testament passage, and this should be interesting. A good opportunity to get at how a woman thinks- especially with mostly women in the study. And those who know me know that that is important for me to undertand. But in order to introduce the Method to those in the study, we started off instead with another deeply meaningful passage, sung by Bob Hardy in Servant (though not originally), Desperado. If you analyze it's text it's actually got a lot to say to Christians.

And the finest news of all this week: I got into a taxi this evening- and it was a mulet taxi- a female taxi driver! There are 6,000 taxis in this city, and only 4 or 5 women driving, so of all the taxis in all the cities- it's just always been a dream of mine to get a ride with one of the women, as it's so rare to see that here. But I have to admit I didn't know quite what to do- usually I sit in the front because that is where the guy is. This time I did so again, but I kind of kept feeling perhaps I should be in the back...


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