Better Angels

Recently, a friend from college contacted me, out of the blue. She'd been thinking of me, and got ahold of my email address. We hadn't talked for fifteen years, so there was a lot of catching up to do. She learned that I was having great financial difficulties of late, as work has been few and far between, and expressed that she felt lead to send her tithe to me, which I certainly appreciated. An extra $100 would certainly go a long way.

I received the check in the mail today. It was for a bit over $2,000. God is truly good.


Anonymous said…
Dear Jed--I had no idea things were so difficult. What a blessing that you very much deserve. Love you every day more, Mom
tp said…
wow! Praise God!
Pastor Nar said…
Similar situation happened with me back in August. God is truly amazing. :)

PS: Hi Sue!

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